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Who are we - and what do we do?

LionHeart is the independent charity for RICS professionals, past and present, and their families.
Our aim is quite simple: to be there for members whenever life throws them a curve ball, from the very beginning of their career as an APC candidate or apprentice, right through to retirement.

The confidential and expert support we provide aims to get people through any of life's unexpected challenges. This might range from financial support if needed, support for your health and wellbeing, such as free professional counselling, work-related support and coaching, plus access to legal advice. We can also help if you or one of your loved ones become seriously ill or suffers an accident. 

Our support extends to past and present RICS members, and their partners and dependants, including APC candidates, apprentices, some surveying students, as well as those surveyors who have retired or are no longer practising. 

We also support global RICS members, no matter where in the world they are based. 

We want to help as many people as we can, no matter what their circumstances. We don't provide a 'one size fits all' service, because every person we help is different. One of our key strengths is this personal approach and our highly experienced team of support officers work with each individual to provide the best tailor-made package of support to suit their needs. 

As an independent charity, we are funded through the generosity of past and present RICS members who care enough about their colleagues to support us. We don't get any government or other grants. 

Integrity        Compassion         Professionalism         Flexibility