Serious illness
Experiencing serious ill health can be very frightening, especially if you're told you have a condition that is life-changing or life-limiting.
Every year, LionHeart supports past and present RICS professionals who are living with serious illnesses or disabilities, in themselves or their loved ones. This includes conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, cancer, heart and lung conditions, or those whose lives have changed following an accident or other medical emergency.
How can we help?
Life can change drastically if you are seriously unwell or facing a long-term condition, especially if you've always been fit, healthy and busy before. Coming to terms with life-changing news can be very difficult and it is quite normal to feel a whole range of emotions. Counselling may help you to come to terms with this, give you coping strategies for moving forward and help you deal with feelings like anger, anxiety and depression that may be common during or after a period of ill-health or serious illness. RICS professionals and their partners can access free counselling through us, whether it's themselves or a loved one who is ill.
Find out more here
Financial support and help accessing benefits
If your circumstances have changed suddenly due to ill-health or disability and you find that you have less coming in each month than you have going out, then we may be able to offer financial support to help ease the burden. LionHeart can offer regular monthly grants in some circumstances as well as one-off grants to help with certain expenses.
Our knowledgeable support team are also able to help make sure you are getting any state benefits you may be entitled to, including advice on accessing disability support like PIP.
Emotional support
Just having someone to talk to in confidence can make a huge difference. Sometimes it can be easier to voice any worries or concerns to someone who is not a family member or close friend. LionHeart's support officers are very experienced and have helped many people and their families through long and short-term serious ill health.
If you call the helpline they will be able to help work out all the ways we can support you. Call us free on 0800 009 2960 or email info@lionheart.org.uk
Support returning to work
Work is often a very important part of who we are and how we feel about ourselves. More people than ever are working at the same time as living with long-term health conditions and disabilities and workplaces must do their best to support this.
Our support officers can offer help and support with how you may approach this. You can also get a free referral to our legal helpline for advice on employment support and your rights.
Support for carers
Millions of us have caring responsibilities and we recognise that living with serious illness can be life-changing for the whole family. LionHeart can offer a whole range of support to those with caring responsibilities, whether you are caring for a partner or spouse or looking after a sick or disabled child.
We can also advise on accessing state support and benefits.
Find out more here
Whatever your circumstances, you have a team of expert and friendly support officers waiting to help you and your family, however they can. Get in touch today and find out how.