10 things to STOP doing this year

It's the start of a brand new year which can evoke all sorts of fresh start/ new chapter kind of vibes. Which is great if you fall into that 365 days of possibilities (actually, 366 in 2024!) category - but not so great if you're struggling in any way or have a tendency to put pressure on yourself.
So instead of a piece on all the things you 'should' start doing, we decided to round up 10 things you need to STOP this year. Like, right now....
1. Stop making stupid New Year resolutions!
... because they're invariably unrealistic and set you up for failure. There's no harm in resolving to be healthier or kinder to yourself, of course. But lose the words like 'never' and 'forever' and remember that small, achievable steps can add up to big leaps!
2. Stop punishing yourself for old mistakes
Show us someone who hasn't made a mistake in their lives and we'll show you, er, someone that's fibbing to themselves. Everyone makes mistakes. While we might regret some of the mistakes we've made, remember that you can't change the past, just how you move forward
3. Stop trying to make things perfect
Life doesn't have to be picture-perfect, Instagrammable bliss. Don't miss out on moments of joy because you're always striving for something else.
4. Stop blurring those work/home boundaries
It's sometimes easier said than done but a good balance between work and home will ultimately make both sides of your life more fulfilling. (The LionHeart team can help if you need it!)
5. Stop putting yourself last
It can be hard when you have multiple commitments and you feel pulled in every direction. But try and do one thing each day that's just for you.
6. Stop focusing on the negatives
Practise reframing negative thoughts. Even 'I've failed' can become 'I haven't succeeded yet' or about something you've learned for next time.
7. Stop being your own worst enemy
We have a tendency to be way harder on ourselves than we would be on a friend or colleague. Instead of beating yourself up for something that's gone wrong or telling yourself you're not good enough, ask yourself if you'd treat someone else this way. The chances are, the answer is no
8. Stop comparing
Sometimes the oldest sayings hold plenty of truth and comparison is indeed the thief of joy. Stop comparing how your career, personal achievements or the way you look measures up to other people.
9. Stop being unrealistic
Make sure you set reasonable expectations for yourself. There's nothing worse than feeling like you've failed when actually what you're got wrong is the goal or the pace you're setting.
10. Stop feeling like you can do it all yourself
Ask for help, or share your burden. Everyone needs a hand in life sometimes and far from being a sign of weakness, it actually takes great strength to acknowledge this. If you're an RICS professional, remember that LionHeart is there to offer support no matter what you're facing, even if it's just the chance to talk things through in complete confidence.
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