New trustees wanted

LionHeart is looking for two new trustees to add to its current board as some of its long-serving trustees approach the end of their maximum terms.
Peter McCrea FRICS, chair of the board and LionHeart trustee since 2016, said: "We are looking to add to the board as some of our existing trustees reach the end of the maximum time they can serve on the board. They have had a long and successful terms and certainly leave some big shoes to fill as they have helped steer the charity through some significant periods of change and growth.
"However, we are always very excited to welcome new trustees and the fresh insight they can bring to the Board.
"In the summer we ran a very successful campaign to recruit our first ever associate board members and we were delighted with the amount of interest these new positions generated. The early signs are that we will have equally strong interest in the main board positions, and we are looking forward to announcing further appointments in due course."
Trustee Philippa Sampson-Bancroft MRICS, who is part of the selection panel, added: "As a board of trustees it's really important we try and reflect as far as possible the huge range of people that LionHeart is there to support. What we're really hoping to do with this round of board recruitment is to get a diverse range of lived experiences of being a surveying professional."
This might include people with several years' professional experience or those early on in their careers, from Fellows or Members to AssocRICS. We're also interested in hearing from those with lived experience of either mental or long term physical health conditions or other significant life challenges - or those that support people who do.
Trustees play an important part in helping LionHeart to plan for the future and keep developing the type of services that are most relevant to surveyors around the world.
CEO Davina Goodchild said: "As a charity we want to make sure we continue to have an impact and that our services are the best they can be to support surveying professionals throughout their lives and careers. Our trustees bring vital insight into that. We benefit from their skills and experience and in turn, they get the opportunity to be involved in strategic leadership and build their own CVs at the same time.
"It's more important to us that we get the right people for the role so we wouldn't want a lack of previous board experience to put anyone off finding out more about us."
Positions as board trustees are unpaid, but travelling expenses are reimbursed. Trustees are usually asked to make four board meetings and an 'away day' each year.
For full details on the role and how to apply please click here