Mental Health Awareness Week: webinar programme

LionHeart will be running a programme of free webinars all week for Mental Health Awareness Week, which runs from May 10th to 16th.
The week-long programme includes another chance to attend panel style discussion events with some of the LionHeart mental health ambassadors - all practising surveyors with first hand experience of the issue who now volunteers with LionHeart to raise awareness and offer support.
LionHeart's wellbeing projects development lead, Jo Grant, said: "We know from the feedback of previous attendees that hearing from our amazing ambassadors has proved to be both inspirational and reassuring. Real, shared experiences are an incredibly powerful way to make people realise that mental health challenges can, and do, affect anyone - but most importantly of all, there is a way forward from even the darkest of days."
The week-long online event will also feature three new wellbeing subjects: 360 Degree Approach to Mental Wellbeing, Gut Health for Mental Health, and Yoga Principles for Stress Relief.
The yoga workshop will be delivered by chartered surveyor and qualified yoga teacher Tim Kenny, who promises simple yoga-inspired techniques that can be incorporated into a daily routine, whether you're on site, at your desk or even in the middle of a phone call.
There's also the chance to find out more about the cognitive behavioural therapy offered by the LionHeart counselling service, with the chance to put questions to our counsellor and CBT therapist Bernadette Antoniou.
Jo Grant added: "We hope the programme offers something for everyone and will not only raise awareness of mental health issues but also of the confidential, quality support that is available through LionHeart when people need it."
To see full details of the programme please go to our events page here