Giving Tuesday Now: a day of giving & unity

LionHeart is backing Giving Tuesday Now, which is a is a new global day of giving and togetherness in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, taking place today, Tuesday May 5th.
As well as aiming to raise money for charities which have been affected by the current situation, it's hoped people will 'give' in other ways too: by small acts of kindness, community or unity.
In common with many charities, at LionHeart we've seen a big upturn in the number of requests for help, with calls to our helpline up almost 50% as surveyors all over the world worry about the effect lockdowns will have on their families, businesses and incomes.
Support services manager Bena Kansara said: "We are hearing from people who are feeling stressed and anxious, and fearful for what the future will bring. There is a lot of anxiety for many of our professionals about what happens after government help runs out, and worry for their future stability. In some cases, we are able to offer financial grants which will help ease some of the immediate worry, as well as access to legal advice, emotional support and counselling."
CEO Davina Goodchild added: "We are extremely fortunate at LionHeart to have the full support of our board, which has agreed maximum flexibility for us to be as responsive as possible to the needs of the many RICS professionals who are calling us for help.
"We are also lucky that our single biggest source of fundraising - through donations made when RICS professionals renew their professional subs - has been unaffected by coronavirus. However, each year many people put on summer events to raise money for us, many of which have of course had to be cancelled in the current climate.
"We realise that for many people it is an uncertain time financially. But if RICS professionals are able to make a small donation to support someone in a less fortunate position, we would be so grateful.
"Every penny raised really will make a difference to someone's life - someone whose life has been turned upside down, whether that's through bereavement or loss of income."
How you can give...
Simply text LIONHEART to 70085 to automatically donate £5
You can choose to donate any amount up to a maximum of £20 by texting LIONHEART £x (where x is the amount)
OR you can make a one-off secure donation online here
- Find out more about how we're helping people through Covid-19 here
- If you or someone you know needs support call us free on 0800 009 2960