"Having confidence in my own ability and being able to move on has been a huge, and unexpected, benefit of coaching"
Harriet's story
After attending one of LionHeart's Boosting Your Resilience workshops, Harriet* decided to call to find out more about our coaching sessions.
Aged in her 30s and around 10 years post-qualification, she says: "I had long been unhappy in my job but was uncertain how to progress and in which direction to turn. I'd assumed LionHeart would only assist those in more in need (like after redundancy, maternity or illness) so I made an initial enquiry without really expecting it to go anywhere, but knowing I needed some help."
Harriet began coaching with one of the LionHeart support officers and says it has had a massive impact on her life and career: "Firstly, it helped me get past that block of not knowing which was the best way to turn, helping me rationalise my thoughts and focus on what really made me happy and motivated. Perhaps more importantly, it has given me enormous confidence: in a pressurised environment it is easy to forget you are capable of more than just the job you do, and may even be more suited to something else.
"Having confidence in my own ability and being able to move on has been a huge, and unexpected, benefit of coaching.
"The service was fantastic. I see so many struggling surveyors, perhaps at a similar level to me, who need guidance. The benefits of coaching are undersold."
Find out more: LionHeart Coaching
*Names changed to protect identities. Photo posed by model.