Health & Wellbeing

360 degree approach to mental wellbeing
It's astonishing how many of our daily lifestyle choices can have an impact on our mental wellbeing and resilience.
This introductory webinar will take you through how there are so many different factors that can negatively affect mental health, from how much you sleep to how much you move, from what you eat to how and who you spend your leisure time with.
Find out how to take a more holistic approach to staying mentally healthy and how even a few small but sustainable changes in some areas of your life can help improve your wellbeing.
We'll be discussing:
- How what you eat can affect your mood and mental health
- Sleep and how to get better at it!
- Downtime/ leisure time and how to use it to boost your mental health
- The natural world as a natural endorphin buzz
- People and community - how friendships and connections provide an important anchor in our lives
Categories: Health and Wellbeing

Avoiding burnout
Modern life is getting busier, with multiple demands on our time and more and more balls to juggle as we lurch from career to studies to family and a plethora of other commitments. Perhaps unsurprisingly, a recent survey found that 79% of British adults feel stressed at least once a month, one in five workers feel stressed more days than they don't - and almost half are close to burning out altogether.
This one-hour webinar will help you to understand what overwhelm and burnout are and the similarities and differences between them. Learn what the signs and triggers are, and what self-care and management tips you can use now and in future to help prevent burning out.
What we'll cover:
- What is overwhelm?
- What are the signs / how does it feel?
- Why does it happen?
- What's the difference between overwhelm and burnout?
- How can I prevent myself moving from overwhelm to burnout?
- How can I support myself and get support, now and in the future?
Categories: Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Balancing time online
Modern digital technology can be a wonderful thing, but is 24/7 connectivity having a negative impact on your mental and physical wellbeing?
There's no doubt that there are some apps and devices that can be really beneficial and time-saving and there are plenty of times when being able to answer that email on the go is an absolute life-saver!
But the flip side is that it's perfectly possible to lose hours glued to multiple screens and devices or find it hard to 'switch off' from work mode - to the point you almost feel anxious if separated from your phone.
This 45-minute webinar will help you reflect on your time online and whether it has an impact on your time management, mood, or connection with the 'real' world.
We'll also discuss ways to have a better relationship with the digital world so you get most benefit from it, and share tips for healthy tech use to help you maintain a positive balance.
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Beyond imposter syndrome
Often your own inner critic is the harshest one of all so gaining an understanding of what is driving those thoughts can be the first step in controlling them.
Join this 60-minute webinar on this surprisingly common phenomenon to learn:
- What is Imposter Syndrome and where might it come from?
We'll look at some of the research around imposter syndrome and dispel some common myths. We'll also explore prevalence and impact, and get a deeper understanding of why we might develop imposter thoughts
- Why is Imposter Syndrome so prevalent in high performance, professional industries?
How imposter patterns of thinking can be exacerbated by certain work environments and why, counter-intuitively, confidence can drop the higher up the ladder we go or the more specialised we become.
Categories: Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Boosting your resilience
What is resilience and why is it such an important part of wellbeing? In this 60-minute webinar, developed specially for LionHeart by a chartered surveyor, we'll start by looking at what resilience is and what means to you - and the key components to becoming a more resilient individual. What are the early signs that that your resilience is being tested and, most importantly, what are the ways you can help build - and maintain - good levels of resilience?
We will cover:
- What is resilience?
- The 7 C's of resilience
- The impact of boundaries, values and perspective
- Signs your resilience is being tested
- Tools and techniques to build - and maintain - resilience
Categories: Health & Wellbeing, APC, Career & Personal Development

Breathe well, live well
The breath is often described as the 'remote control' for the nervous system and this webinar will explain why. You'll learn some quick and easy breathing practices you can use at any time to help you relax, regain balance or even release anger.
Categories: APC, Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Building your confidence
Confidence can often feel elusive and, just when you think you have it nailed, it slips away. Confidence is a learned behaviour and like a muscle needs to be regularly exercised, honed and free to flex occasionally.
Who is it for?
Many of us could do with a confidence boost at some point in our lives. Whether you're working towards your APC, looking to make the next step up the career ladder, or possibly returning to work after some time out of the workplace, this one-hour workshop is full of tricks and tips to help you build your confidence levels.
What's covered?
- What is confidence?
- Why the 'comfort zone' is not comfortable!
- How to build confidence levels
- Maintaining confidence
Categories: APC, Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Caring for elderly relatives
Only available in our webinar library
1 in 8 of us now cares for an elderly relative. This one-hour webinar will look at how to balance work and your caring responsibilities, looking after your own wellbeing, your legal rights and what support and resources may be available to you.
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Creating a positive mindset
Emotions are a vital part of our everyday lives, and by increasing our emotional intelligence and applying strategies to maintain emotional balance, we give ourselves the best possible chance to make whatever changes we need, to help us maintain a positive mindset.
This webinar aims to:
- define what we mean by mind and emotions
- look into the impact of change
- look at the difference between conscious and subconscious decisions
- look at how we are using up our energy with the emotional energy matrix
- look at how to keep our minds positive by using question based thinking.
Categories: APC, Health & Wellbeing

Diet and nutrition
You are what you eat, as the old saying goes, so learn how best to fuel your mood, mindset and motivation with these two webinars on diet and nutrition for wellbeing.
Diet and Nutrition (part 1) The first part of our diet & nutrition webinar shows what a healthy and balanced plate looks like and the small tweaks that can make a big difference to overall health, mood, and mindset.
Diet and Nutrition (part 2) Part 2 of our diet & nutrition webinar explains how and why a balanced diet is important for maintaining good health and wellbeing, but how what you eat can help prevent and even reverse certain illnesses and conditions.
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Gut health for mental health
Learn how what's going on inside your gut can actually have an impact on your mental health in this 1-hour webinar led by a qualified nutritionist from a surveying background.
The food we eat can directly affect how we think, feel and cope with life. Food type, and the quality and quantity of what we eat, will all impact on our mood, motivation and the mindset with which we approach life and work.
This webinar is ideal for anyone who wants to boost their mental health and wellbeing by learning a little bit of the science behind nutrition.
We'll cover:
- The link between gut and mental health, or nervous system
- Common gut/digestive disorders which can affect mental health - and how to avoid them
- How we can feed and nurture our gut to support our mental health
- The nutrients we need to support our mental health
- The role of stress and how it affects gut and mental health
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Improve your work life balance
A better work life balance is what many of us strive for when it seems like there simply aren't enough hours in the day to juggle the various responsibilities and demands on time.
Although many more people have found themselves working from home over the past couple of years, initially due to Covid-19 and lockdown restrictions, it's important to remember that working from home doesn't automatically equal a good work-life balance!
An increased move to flexible/hybrid working will have undoubtedly blurred boundaries for many people, especially if you've been working from your dining table or are always tempted to answer that one last email before you log off.
This 60-minute webinar aims to help you find a healthy and sustainable balance between work and leisure. You'll explore ways to manage that balance so you can be more effective, productive and engaged in all areas of your life, both at home and at work.
What's covered?
- What is work life balance?
- Misconceptions and assumptions of work life balance
- The work life balance equilibrium
- How to use the work life wheel to consider the different areas of your life - and assess what is off balance for you
- Work life balance and the importance of self care
Categories: Post APC, APC, Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Introduction to mental health awareness
Only available in our webinar library
An introductory webinar that will help you understand more about mental health and why everyone needs to be aware of it.
We'll talk about what mental health is, and why looking after it is so important.
We'll bust some of the common misconceptions about poor mental health and talk about some of the most common conditions that affect people, including stress, anxiety and depression.
And you'll also learn when and where to seek support.
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Managing anxiety and change
In this webinar we will look at what anxiety is and identify some of the physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms. We will also consider how and why change can impact on our anxiety levels and look at some tools to help manage anxiety.
This webinar aims to
- Help you understand the signs of anxiety
- Consider how change may affect our anxiety levels
- Understand how we can measure our anxiety levels
- Introduce you to some tools and tips for managing anxiety and change
Categories: Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Moving on from setback or disappointment
Only available in our webinar library
"It's not about the falling down, but how you get up..." One of our counsellors explains some of the CBT techniques and principles they use to help clients move on from a setback or disappointment, such as APC referral.
Categories: APC, Health & Wellbeing

Mindfulness and meditation
Only available in our webinar library
This one hour webinar gives you the opportunity to understand more about the practices of mindfulness and meditation and help you learn about the history and benefits of practicing both techniques.
Mindfulness is a useful technique for dealing with stress and anxiety whilst, Meditation has been proven to improve mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.
This webinar also gives the opportunity to take part in a short meditation practice.
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Move well to stay well
Humans were born to move but modern lifestyles mean many of us are far less active than our ancestors, with the way we work often having a detrimental effect on our bodies. This 45 minute webinar will explain why moving more will benefit body and mind, with some simple moves and stretches you can incorporate into your day to improve wellbeing.
Categories: Health & Wellbing

Neurodiversity understood
Only available in our webinar library
An introduction to understanding neurodiversity, the positives of a neuro-diverse workforce and how to become more inclusive.
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Putting off procrastination
What is procrastination - and why do we do it? In this one hour webinar, we'll look at the barriers to motivation, your "red flags", and how to stay motivated when times get tough.
Categories: Health & Wellbeing, Career & Personal Development

Suicide awareness and prevention
It's a subject that many want to avoid, but talking about it really can save lives. Led by a qualified Suicide First Aid tutor, learn to have candid conversations about suicide, the importance of actively listening, and how and when to signpost to professional help.
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Supercharge your wellbeing
Only available in our webinar library
Developed by a chartered surveyor, this webinar aims to help you supercharge your wellbeing while studying for your APC and throughout your career.
Just like a top athlete can't perform at their best when they have a cold, injury or are not focused, surveyors can't be at their best when their wellbeing isn't looked after properly - and in the worst cases, ignoring your wellbeing can lead to stress and burnout
But it's not all about eating healthily or taking vitamins either...
You'll learn:
- Tools and techniques to bring positivity and calm to your working environment
- How to look after your wellbeing while working or studying hard
- Creating a support network to help young professionals deal with the stresses the industry brings
Categories: Post APC, APC, Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Supporting disability at work
A one-hour webinar designed to help people to better understand how they can support disabled colleagues in the workplace. Disability covers a huge spectrum, so we'll touch on the diversity of disability and the different barriers people might face in everyday life, before exploring managing bias, use of language and the power of being an ally.
Topics include:
- The prevalence of disability and what we mean by 'disabled'
- Barriers in society, from physical to communication and attitudinal
- Unconscious and implicit bias and the power of allyship
- Language - key dos and don'ts and tips on disability etiquette and supportive conversations
Categories: Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Supporting carers in the workplace
Only available in our webinar library
More people than ever before are juggling work with providing unpaid care to an ill or disabled family member, friend or partner. Find out more about the challenges these employees face and how you can support them.
Categories: Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Switch on to better sleep
An introductory webinar on common sleep problems, with some facts and figures about sleep and the issues that insomnia can bring.
You'll also learn some practical tips on improving your sleep habits and how to create a personal action plan for better sleep.
The webinar will cover the four key foundations to support better, restful sleep:
- The mind and how to take care of it relating to sleep
- How to prepare for a good night's sleep
- Creating the right environment for sleep
- Nutrition choices for better sleep
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Understanding anxiety
Only available in our webinar library
What is anxiety? What causes it and how does it feel? Join us as we explore different anxiety conditions, treatment methods and some of the self-care techniques that can help you with your own anxiety.
Categories: Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Understanding bereavement in the workplace
Only available in our webinar library
Sadly, bereavement and loss is something we all go through in life, yet we're often spectacularly ill-equipped to deal with it! We look at how grief can affect someone, things to consider in a work setting, and how best to offer support.
Categories: Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Understanding mental wellbeing
What's mental wellbeing and the many factors that can affect it? This 60 minute-long webinar will look at the facts around mental health in Asia and the Middle East, and explore the impact of culture, religion and tradition.
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Understanding menopause
Did you know one in 10 women who have worked during menopause have ended up leaving a job because of their symptoms and a lack of support? Join us to find out more about the impact of menopause in an increasingly changing workforce, and how to help manage it.
Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Understanding stress management
This webinar is to help you understand what we mean by stress and the differences between beneficial and detrimental stress. We will also look at some of the top triggers of work related stress, and the concepts of the stress container and our stress signature, before considering helpful and unhelpful coping strategies, and how to put a helpful plan in place.
Aims of this webinar
- Define stress
- Consider beneficial and detrimental stresses
- Explore the concept of the stress container
- Understand your own stress signature
- Coping strategies for stress
Categories: Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

Yoga principles for stress relief
Yoga is widely accepted as being good for stress management, but obviously it's not exactly practical to whack out a yoga mat and pop yourself into a calming child's pose every time you encounter a stressful situation...
Fortunately, there are some really simple stress-busting principles from yoga that you can use in your everyday life - whether you're on site, at your desk or even in the middle of a challenging phone call.
You'll learn about posture and how it can impact your mental health and wellbeing and find out some surveyor-specific yoga tips. No special equipment or clothing is required; it really is that simple to fit into your daily routine!
This one-hour webinar is led by a surveyor and qualified yoga teacher who really understands the demands of the profession and will cover:
- Stress as Distress or Eustress
- Surveyor specific benefits of reducing stress
- The link between your posture or physical condition and stress
- How to use face massage to release tension
- Sitting and standing positions to promote stress reducing posture
- Using breath to support stress relief
- Simple movement exercises
- Breathing exercises
- Mindful listening and looking
Categories: Health & Wellbeing