National Free Wills Network
and LionHeart
Write your will for free with LionHeart
LionHeart is a member of the National Free Wills Network which gives you the chance to write or amend your will for free, subject to availability.
This is a limited offer for RICS professionals which operates on a first-come, first-served basis. It is available for 'simple' wills (those that do not deal with complex issues) which are written at a discounted rate through participating solicitors and paid for by LionHeart. You are under absolutely no obligation to include a gift to LionHeart in your will; providing for your loved ones should always come first. But we do hope that by providing this service, more people will consider supporting us in this way.
The National Free Wills Network is made up of over 900 local solicitors nationwide. When you request a referral to the National Free Wills Network through LionHeart, you will be sent a Free Wills pack and a list of solicitors in your area. Simply choose a solicitor from the list and arrange an appointment.
After your meeting, you'll be asked to complete a Confidential Declaration Form where you can tell us if you've included a gift to LionHeart in your will. We do hope that if you use this service you will consider supporting us.
A gift of 1% of your estate could help future generations of surveyors like you, people needing help and support during difficult times or personal challenges. Including any gift to LionHeart in your will is a wonderful way to express gratitude and support for your profession, often in ways that you're unable to do during your lifetime.
To request a referral, or for a confidential, informal chat to find out more about the offer, please call Faye Smith on 0121 289 4696 or email fsmith@lionheart.org.uk.
Webinar - Switch on to Will Writing
An introduction to wills, why you need one and what you need to think about. Watch