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students and apprentices

Webinars for

Students and Apprentices

LionHeart is pleased to be able to offer free online training to surveying students and apprentices.

All of our webinars have been carefully designed to support people's wellbeing, mental health and development, and they aim to help you foster the kind of life skills and self-awareness that will benefit you for the rest of your career, from confidence and resilience building, to practical time management and workplace communication skills.

You'll also find subjects that will help you look after your wellbeing and steps to manage stress effectively.

We've taken some of our most popular career and personal development subjects and adapted them especially to suit students and apprentices at the beginning of their careers.

Take a look at the subjects below to find out more:


Acing your interview


A one hour interview skills webinar which will help you prepare fully for interviews, whether virtual or face to face - including tips on body language and how to calm interview nerves.

It includes how to prepare for Competency, Value and CV-based questions, and helps you identify questions you might want to ask the interviewer.


We'll cover:

  • Purpose of an interview
  • Interview styles and formats
  • Answering questions effectively
  • Preparing for popular and difficult questions
  • Having sensible questions to ask
  • Body language and nerves

Categories: Students & Apprentices, Career & Personal Development

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Better presentation skills


If the thought of delivering a presentation has your heart racing and your mouth drying up, then this one hour  webinar is for you. It will help you to overcome your presentation nerves and become more confident when it comes to speaking in public or delivering a presentation online.

Ideal for anyone that wants to be a more confident presenter or who wants to learn some of the secrets behind a well-structured presentation, the webinar will include:

  • Overcoming nerves & changing beliefs
  • The physiology behind presenting
  • Effective presentation structure
  • The use of influential language in presentations
  • Tailoring your presentations to your audience
  • The effective use of visual aids

Categories: Post APC, APC, Career & Personal Development, Students & Apprentices


Boosting your resilience


In this one-hour webinar, developed specially for LionHeart by a chartered surveyor, you will learn about stress and how it can affect you at work and at home.

Most importantly, you'll learn what you can do about it before it starts to have a negative impact on your life. 


Who is it for?

Anyone wishing to explore tools and techniques to build better resilience, no matter what stage in your career you're at.


What's covered?


  •   Discovering what stress is, and its causes
  •   'Tuning into' positivity
  •   Coping tools and techniques
  •   Learning about mindfulness and meditation 

Categories: Health & Wellbeing, APC, Career & Personal Development


Building your confidence


Confidence can often feel elusive and, just when you think you have it nailed, it slips away. Confidence is a learned behaviour and like a muscle needs to be regularly exercised, honed and free to flex occasionally.


Who is it for?

Many of us could do with a confidence boost at some point in our lives. Whether you're working towards your APC, looking to make the next step up the career ladder, or possibly returning to work after some time out of the workplace, this one-hour workshop is full of tricks and tips to help you build your confidence levels.


What's covered?

  • What is confidence?
  • What makes you feel less confident?
  • The Social Contract
    Getting what you want

Categories:  APC, Students & Apprentices, Career & Personal Development, Health & Wellbeing

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Communication skills


Effective communication can make a huge difference to your work and relationships, including business and personal.

To communicate well, you need to be able to listen well - and understand your own preferred style of communication.

 This one-hour webinar explores what makes communication successful and how to apply it in different situations.

What's covered? 

 Personality profiling

  • Understanding the four personality styles and how they affect your interactions
  • Knowing how to flex your preferred communication style to elicit best results

The Mehrabians principle of effective communication 

  • Effective / Ineffective communication
  • The three V's of communication
  • Tone, pitch, pace, and inflection 
  • Passive and assertive language

Listening skills 

  • Recognise active and passive listening, and how it affects communication and relationships
  • Explore the barriers to active listening - and how to overcome them

Categories: Post APC, APC, Students & Apprentices

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How to create a winning CV


Only available in our webinar library

A masterclass in how to produce a winning CV that will help to get you noticed and open doors.

This one hour CV skills webinar will look at and discuss different styles of CVs and how you can best use a CV to enhance your career opportunities and nail that dream job.


What we'll cover:                                      

  • What's the purpose of a CV?
  • Best practice tips (and what not to do!)
  • Preparation for your CV
  • Achievement Statements and how to smash them
  • Different styles of CV and when to use them

Categories: Career & Personal Development, Students & Apprentices, Post APC

See forthcoming dates and make a booking here