Diversifying our board, and why

When I became Chair of the LionHeart Board in 2018, I set myself several tasks in terms of board development. Most pressing was the need to diversify. Granted, we had already come a long way from what historically had been what might be termed a traditional board, but there was more to do.
In the last four years we have achieved a balance in terms of gender, ethnicity, and for the first time have two non-surveyor board members. The final piece in the jigsaw is now being put in place - to have board representation from those at the beginning of their careers.
The creation of the role of Associate board members will, we believe, bring several benefits. First, it will give the Board and senior leadership team first-hand insight into the needs and views of the profession from those just starting their careers -whether newly qualified surveyors or APC candidates (you might notice that I have avoided referring to age; the opportunity might suit new surveyors having undergone a career change or career break).
As my fellow board member Dayle Bayliss FRICS explained recently, as a board we want to be challenged by new blood, to refresh thinking and to avoid 'group think'. We hope and believe these new positions will do exactly that.
And, for the successful applicants, it will provide a fantastic opportunity to experience corporate governance in a multi-million-pound international charity. We are looking to provide that experience to candidates who might not otherwise get the chance, or might not get the chance so early in their careers.
So, we are open to any background, public sector, private sector, industry, small firms, large firms; it doesn't really matter. What will matter is interest, enthusiasm, a collegiate nature, and the ability to commit to around eight days a year including main board and committee dates.
In return, we can offer an extremely warm welcome, firm support from both a Board buddy, the leadership team and all of your colleagues around the table and, in time, a chance to shape and influence our new five-year plan which is in the early stages of development.
As our most recent Impact Report has shown, over the past year LionHeart has provided vital help to surveyors across the globe; whether those fleeing Ukraine, dealing with the continuing fallout from Covid, or struggling to cope under the cost of living crisis. But we never rest on our laurels, and this is your almost unique chance to help make a difference to your profession in these continuing challenging times.
We look forward to meeting you!
Peter McCrea FRICS was appointed chair of the LionHeart board in October 2018, after 18 months as a trustee. He was re-elected to serve a second term as chair of the board by his fellow trustees last summer. A father-of-two, he became the youngest ever appointed surveyor member of the Lands Tribunal in 2013 after 25 years in private practice, specialising mostly in dispute resolution.
Find out more:
- Recruitment of new Associate Board Members
- Watch trustee Dayle Bayliss below talking about why people should consider joining a charity board