Post APC submission: 10 things you must do!

Despite some delays and IT issues, the APC countdown clock has started for many autumn candidates, who will be either in the last stages of preparing for submission or who will already have done so.
You're within touching distance of achieving your chartered status. In this blog I will suggest 10 ways that will help you to prepare for the countdown to final assessment.
- 1. Get some ARC / submission help
The functionality of the system has been affected by a recent software update and RICS has announced in the last few days that ARC will not be used for the rest of 2021. For further details on what to do visit the RICS website here.
There is a Q&A document to help you and you can also book to join one of the RICS candidate drop in sessions using this form.
2. Create a presentation visual aid
The presentation is all about your case study. Start with the visual aid.
Create a simple PowerPoint of about 10 slides for the 10-minute presentation and follow the case study format:
- Introduction
- My approach (key issues)
- My achievements (be proud)
- Conclusion (lessons learned)
- 3. Practise your presentation
Practise clicking through the slides once a week to start with and then more frequently as the interview draws near to make sure you are as familiar as possible with it. DON'T cram at the last minute!
If you would like a supportive pair of eyes and ears and feedback on your presenting style, call the LionHeart support team. They cannot offer technical guidance but can work with you to make sure you feel as confident as possible heading into the big day. The experienced team would love to help!
You can contact them on 0800 009 2960 (UK free) or +44 (0)121 289 3300
- 4. Revise your own submission
The interview will be focused on, but not restricted to, the evidence you have provided within your final submission. Make sure you know what you have written and submitted inside out, and that you can add to it in an interview scenario.
Create mind maps for each example to remind yourself of the 'what, how and why'.
- 5. Revise Pathway Guide
Think of the pathway guide as the client's brief or mark scheme. This outlines exactly what the assessors have asked for.
Revise the key words and make sure you have covered all the knowledge listed at level 1.
- 4. Have RICS references up your sleeve
The APC is a risk management process. It's important that assessors see you as a safe pair of hands. One of the best ways to achieve this is to be familiar with the RICS professional statements and guidance notes relevant to your area of practice.
- 3. Practise talking!
The APC is not an exam: it's an interview, a conversation. Revising is great for level 1 and can build confidence but you also need to articulate your competency evidence.
Q & A practice with your counsellor - or anyone who will listen - is a great way to prepare and may help you predict what language and questions to expect.
- 2. Have a mock interview
Closely related to 'practise talking' - have a dry run of the entire interview process in a mock interview. This will make you feel more confident and also give you opportunity to practise:
- Sharing your screen
- Talking and listening online
- Seeing how you look
- Interview timings
- 1. Read your journals
Keep up to date with RICS news and technical hot topics through casually reading Modus and Property Journal (as well as other professional press). Don't try to remember everything, just try to build awareness of the big picture. Be outward looking from your employer.
- And finally.... Keep calm and carry on
Try to trust the process - none of the ARC issues experienced recently are the fault of the RICS Membership Operations Team or the assessors and definitely no blame falls on candidates. So don't panic if the formatting looks wrong or similar.
Practise some self-love and take care of yourself.
Do whatever works for YOU to manage your stress levels. Stay healthy.
If it gets too much at any point don't hesitate to call the lovely LionHeart support officers for signposting to appropriate help or just a supportive chat.
Here's that number again:
UK 0800 009 2960 or +44 (0)121 289 3300
Good luck!
Alongside being a LionHeart trustee, Kate Taylor FRICS is an experienced RICS APC Assessor, APC auditor, RICS UK APC Appeal Panel and Chairperson with a passion for professional development. Kate is also the author of the Commercial and Residential Property Quick Start Revision Guides and the Estates Gazette 'Pathway to Success' APC series.
She was recently nominated as Mentor of the Year in the RICS Matrics Young Surveyor of the Year Awards for the second year running.