Free daily webinars for Mental Health Awareness Week

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, from May 18th to May 24th, LionHeart will be running daily free webinars for RICS professionals and their partners.
From Monday to Friday, there will be different subjects for people to log in and listen to, all designed to support positive mental health and wellbeing especially during the lockdown period.
Jo Grant, LionHeart's wellbeing projects coordinator, said: "We have developed some new subjects especially for the current period, when people may be struggling with working from home, feeling isolated, or even furloughed from work and worried about what the future may bring.
"New topics include stress management, breathing for relaxation, and an introduction to mindfulness and meditation - all endorsed by our counsellors as helpful ways of managing stress and anxiety.
"We know that for many people this is a difficult time and, as the theme of Mental Health Awareness Week is kindness, what better place to start than by trying to be kind towards yourself as you try to process all the change that is probably going on in your life."
Booking for the webinars is free, although people may choose to make an optional donation.
For details of dates and times, and to book your space, please click here
- LionHeart's helpline, support services and counselling are running as normal as we have switched to remote working. If you need support, please call us free on 0800 009 2960
- To find out more about how we're supporting RICS professionals through Covid-19 click here