Do you know your numbers?

If you don’t check, you don’t know.
Wise words from a surveyor contact of mine on a recent social media post in which I encouraged my network to think about getting themselves a blood pressure monitor.
The surveyor in question wrote: “Good advice - the job can take its toll. I know three surveyors including me that are stage 2 hypertensive and being treated. If you don’t check, you don’t know.”
As a support officer at LionHeart for many years, I know only too well how life-changing it can be when someone develops serious health problems. Every year, we support surveyors (and their partners) who have suffered major heart attacks or strokes or have developed debilitating diabetes, resulting in significant changes to their lives and the futures they had planned for.
Many of them were completely unaware of the risks to their health until it was too late. They had few or no symptoms or - sadly all too common - were simply “too busy” to pay proper attention.
Stress (and stress at work) can cause your blood pressure to increase. It usually goes back to normal but if it happens a lot, it can put you at risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure). Some of the unhealthy habits we often use to manage stress - like drinking too much booze or eating unhealthy food on the go, as we rush from one thing to another - can also make us more likely to develop high blood pressure, which can in turn increase risks of heart attack and strokes.
This week is Know Your Numbers Week, a campaign run by Blood Pressure UK to encourage people to check their blood pressure and get the treatment and support they need to bring it under control, instead of living with a silent ticking time bomb.
Now, surveyors as experts in their fields are absolutely no strangers to the essential tools and gadgets that aid them in their day to day jobs, such as meters and other equipment. If I may, I’d like to use this week to suggest an addition to your arsenal that is crucial to your personal health: a blood pressure monitor.
(If you’re the boss, you could even think about buying one to pop in the office. You have a fire extinguisher, right, and a First Aid Kit? It would be unthinkable not to.)
Given how good surveyors are at attention to detail and precision, you will be able to take accurate measurements and record your readings effectively. While I may not be familiar with the specifics of damp reading meters, you undoubtedly understand the importance of maintaining healthy parameters, and the same equally applies to looking after your own physical health. Think of it as an investment for your future - and doing what you can to stick around for as long as possible for any kids or grandkids you might have.
The theme of Know Your Numbers Week this week is ‘you have the power’. You have the power to successfully manage your blood pressure - but only if you know your numbers. Get yours measured before the damage is done.
- Blood Pressure UK has a guide on how to measure your blood pressure at home here
- There’s also useful info from the British Heart Foundation here
We understand your busy schedules, but taking a few moments for regular health checks can make a significant difference. If you choose to participate, please let us know how you're doing by contacting us at If you have any concerns or need support, we are here to help you confidentially.
Tracy Evans is one of LionHeart’s support officers.