LionHeart 2021 Impact Report published

LionHeart has published its latest annual Impact Report, showing how we continued to support surveyors and their families all over the world through difficult times - especially as the Covid-19 pandemic continued to affect every aspect of life.
Writing in the foreword of the 2021 LionHeart Impact Report, chief executive Davina Goodchild says: "There won't have been a member of the surveying community across the globe whose lives were not touched in some way by the events of the past year or so. Never has our mission to deliver advice that matters and support that counts been more important, and together our team has supported people financially, emotionally and practically through a year quite unlike any other.
"We've supported people through illness, through redundancy, through tough times at home and at work - through any kind of challenge really, and hopefully in many of those cases our timely support has helped to prevent those challenges from spiralling into a crisis."
Figures highlighted in the report show that:
- 30% of calls to our helpline were driven by Covid-19
- Nine in 10 of those callers received at least one service from us
- Almost a third of our callers went on to receive counselling from us
- 29% were supported financially
- 15% were suffering from stress or mental ill health
- One in 10 requested legal advice - often driven by concerns over employment law and redundancy
As the world of work was transformed dramatically and many of us found ourselves working at home and possibly feeling isolated, we worked hard to develop and expand our range of webinars to support people's wellbeing, personal and career development throughout these challenging months. We saw demand for these soar, and we delivered almost 250 sessions for individuals and partner firms to a record number of attendees all over the world.
Describing the year as "unprecedented in the history of the charity", chairman of the board, Peter McCrea FRICS, said: "By strong teamwork we not only maintained 'business as usual' but indeed expanded our output in many areas to cope with increased demand.
"We very much took the view that if ever there was a period that we would need to be there for the surveying family, this was it. As one grateful beneficiary put it, 'LionHeart always has your back'. Indeed so.
"I must thank the staff team and wider LionHeart team - trustees, ambassadors, our donors and supporters - for everything they've done in the last 12 months.
"Together, we've ensured that LionHeart has been there when needed - cometh the hour, cometh the charity."
Download the full 2021 Impact Report here
Can you support our work?
As a completely independent charity, we rely solely on donation income to fund our work. Last year was particularly tough for so many people and so your donations have never been more important to us - every pound you can spare is spent directly on providing expert support to people just like you, when they need it most.
You can make an online donation to support LionHeart's work here
Alternatively, you can tick the box to include a donation to us when you come to renew your RICS membership.
Thank you for your generosity!